RV SHRM Chapter History
Northwest Human Resources Management Association and Society of Human Resource Management Northwest Human Resources Management Association (known as PNPMA at the time) became affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management (known as ASPA at the time) in January of 1972. There are no NHRMA membership dues for SHRM members in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. All SHRM members in these locations are automatically members of NHRMA.
Prior to 1974, there were no personnel or human resources organizations in the Rogue Valley Area. In 1975, Warren Brown, a Board member of the Eugene Chapter of PNPMA moved to Medford. Warren proposed to other local HR professionals that they start a local chapter. So in 1975, the Rogue Valley Chapter of PNPMA was chartered. The chapter has grown remarkably over the years from about 15 members to over 140 members strong. However, the two things that remain constant: we meet to advance the HR profession and serve the professional. The chapter history was provided by Warren Brown, Chapter Historian on February 24, 2000 and has been updated annually.
Past Presidents:
2024 Tonya Sowles, Sowles Consulting
2023 Brandy Birrueta, Dutch Bros Coffee
2022 Brandy Birrueta, Dutch Bros Coffee
2021 Sarah Heiken, Coming Attractions Theatres
2020 Sarah Elkinton, Asante
2019 Kathryn Reinhardt, BBSI
2018 Kathryn Reinhardt, BBSI
2017 Joe Rossi, BBSI
2016 Jeannette Trumm, Neuman Hotel Group
2015 Tanya Haakinson, Timber Products
2014 John Underwood, Timber Products
2013 Shannon Stuver, Tetra Tech
2012 Shannon Stuver, Tetra Tech
2011 Heidi DeRoule, Grange Co-op
2010 Heidi DeRoule, Grange Co-op
2009 Heidi DeRoule, Grange Co-op
2008 Patricia Forde, Hakatai Enterprises
2007 Janeen Hilbrink, Musican's Friend
2006 Sharon Wittmers
2005 Jody Brennan, LTM, Inc.
2004 Teri Terrill, Rogue Valley Manor
2003 Teri Terrill, Rogue Valley Manor
2002 Lyndell Smothers, Fire Mountain Gems
2001 Lyndell Smothers, Rogue Valley Manor
2000 Fritz Ameen, Superior Solutions
1999 Sharon Wittmers, Asante Health System
1998 Sharon Wittmers, Asante Health System
1996 Nikki Jones, Express Personnel Services
1997 Tom Payn, Kelly Services
1995 Tamara Nordin, Rogue Valley Manor
1994 Vince Truax, Barrett Business Forms
1993 Tamara Nordin, Rogue Valley Manor
1992 Juli Weiss, Sterling Business Forms
1991 Carla Carter, Kelly Temporary Services
1990 Ree Ayres, Cascade Wood Products
1989 Tudy Schiveley, Medford Mail Tribune
1988 Randall Lundberg, Cascade Wood Products
1987 Andre Allen, Verk Consultants
1986 Warren Brown, Providence Hospital
1985 Jean Work, Electronic Transformer Corporation
1984 Jean Work, Sterling Business Forms
1983 Dellamae Henkle, Acme Personnel
1982 Charles Van Dusen, City of Medford
1981 Toni Cox (now Corrente-Evans), Medford Corporation
1980 Paul Kenmoen, Bear Creek Corporation
1979 Sue Slack, Jackson County
1978 Frank Doyel, School District 549C
1977 Duane Lowenberg, 3M's White City plant
1976 Warren Brown, Boise Cascade
1975 Warren Brown, Boise Cascade