Event Details
Employee Appreciation and Recognition Panel
Date: | March 17, 2021, 8:00am |
Organizer: | Rogue Valley SHRM |
Location: | Webinar - log in details will be shared after registration |
Price: | $20 SHRM Members/$25 Non-SHRM Members/Free First Time Guests and Students |
Event Type: | Webinar |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Register Here: https://rvshrmappreciateemployees.eventbrite.com
Have you ever just wanted to throw your hands up and give up trying to demonstrate appreciation to employees? One employee thrives with public recognition, while another will quit because you called attention to them. Another employee will move the moon and stars for a candy bar, while another is insulted you didn’t respect their diet by offering candy.
Understanding employee recognition and appreciation was challenging before 2020, now we have workspaces we never imagined before. We don’t see each other in person, or if we do it’s from a distance through masks. Remote working can leave employees feeling isolated and frustrated if they only hear from the office when something is wrong.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to understand how some of the best places to work in Southern Oregon are thriving with their employees? This interactive discussion will share success stories from our panelists and bring new ideas to reimagine how we are demonstrating appreciation to our employees, right here at home. Plus one panelist who will share with us the science of appreciation.
We will dig into their employee recognition strategies, employee appreciation that boosts employee engagement, and how these employers have pivoted their strategies to balance remote and hybrid employees with on-site employees.
Highlights and Key Takeaways:
Understand strategies for employee recognition and appreciation for organizations of all sizes from large to small.
Recognize opportunities to create equitable appreciation and recognition for employees no matter if they are on-site, remote, or hybrid.
Learn the types of recognition that have the biggest impact on employee satisfaction and engagement.
Discuss techniques to create employee recognition that is relevant for your workforce.